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serek Łaciaty!

A few months ago, Molecular Worldwide launched a new campaign for Łaciaty cottage cheese, manufactured by Mlekpol. The first phase of the video, TV, and digital campaign launched in April. We also organized and concluded the first contest with prizes that are already in the hands of the winners. Now, after the holidays, the second […]
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Twoim stole.

The producer of oils, vinegars, and food condiments has aimed to educate Poles that it’s worth using more than just one type of olive oil in the kitchen. We are promoting different flavor variants and delicious balsamic reductions that enhance taste of every meal.
dla mBanku.

We are pleased to announce that the podcast “Jazgot,” prepared by mBank and Molecular Worldwide, has become the most popular podcast of 2023 in Poland. It is an extraordinary event when educational material is prepared so well that it becomes the favorite listening experience of the entire country. “Jazgot” is a fact-based story of a […]